

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mexico locaness.

First off, I thought I would start to write a blog because facebook just isn’t the right place for some certain stuff. And having a million word status doesn’t really capture too much attention. Second off this is half for me, half for the world (you). I understand things better when they are written out. And also my life is a bit crazy atm, so I wanna share it  :) Let’s crack on with the show!

MEXICO. Is this really happening? Ok, story time, here’s how it happened.
Let’s run back a few years ago. My family was back in England, I was in year 8 and pretty much bored with my life. I needed some ‘spice’, so to speak. I love travelling, seeing the world, experiencing culture... There is so much awesomeness out there and it enticed me. I prayed a prayer, when I was thirteen, that something big would happen; that something crazy and unthinkable would come around the corner. I then moved on with my life, forgetting about that prayer. Some months later my family came to the conclusion we were going to move to Hawaii for a year. This is exactly what I had been wanting yet totally not expecting. Now we are in 2011, I am in year 11 and fifteen years old. The same desire filled me again recently so I prayed again, that a unique twist would find its way into my life. Ironically I forgot about the prayer again and one thing I have realised is that God loves to surprise us in the most unexpected times (:

The school leaders of the 360 DTS, Faith and Andrew Dutton, are good friends of my parents and they have three precious children who I often look after. To cut a long story short, my dad joked around how I should go with them on outreach to Mexico so I can improve my Spanish. Normally I hate it when he brings that up, however I have never been more thankful because that joke is turning into reality! While I was thinking and praying over whether going was the right thing for me, I had a real test of discernment. I wasn’t totally sure because I was kind of getting mixed feelings about going. One night I was going to the cinema with my parents so I prayed that if there was a relation to Mexico in the movie I would take that as an affirmation. This isn’t always a wise thing to do, however I just needed a final sign so that I could know what to do. The movie we went to see had two adverts at the beginning. One of them was set in Mexico. I was smiling like a goon to myself in the theatre. It felt right. I was satisfied.

What will I be doing there? The main reason I am going is to help Faith home school her kids while she is juggling the responsibility of being a team leader. However the rest of the outreach team are going to work with ‘Homes of Hope’ which is an organization that build houses for people who living in poverty. So on the days I am not homeschooling I will be working with ‘Homes of Hope’. The area we are working out of is called Tijuana which is on the Baja Peninsula. (

I am just super excited to see what God has for me in these weeks leading up to outreach and the 4 weeks in Mexico. (Yes, I am going alone. My family are heading back to England for the first week of April and I will return for the first week of May). I still need around $800/£600 for my outreach... I am praying for the provision and if you have a spare £600 lying around then you know where to find me ;)

God is SO FAITHFUL and I thank Him for everything!  :)

1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity”

Gracias y buenas noches!