

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let's Go On An Adventure..

                  Hello friends (:
Enter: Week countdown. Next Monday I will be departing Kona to begin the journey to Tijuana, Mexico. God has so faithfully provided every penny that I need, so all of my outreach fees are paid for! I am excited, nervous, perplexed and expectant. There is so much I don’t know and I am ready to be surprised. These are two videos that really capture what I will be doing in Mexico... Here are the links:

I want you all to watch these videos... (If the links don’t work, my mum has posted the same videos on my Facebook profile.) When I watched these video’s I was astounded and left speechless. One small act of obedience affected this family’s lifestyle so greatly, giving them hope. I am excited to be a part of someone else’s story and expectant at different opportunities God has laid out for me.
These past few weeks have been stressful, draining and tiring; nevertheless I have stormed through, resulting in productivity. When I am not ploughing ahead in school work, I’ve been spending my time babysitting, meeting up with the Mexico team, going to the beach or hanging out with my friends over sushi. ^_^ Each and every day I count my blessings and I’m learning how to not take things for granted, whatever my situation. I am learning that it is not by my power that I am saved, but by God's love and my repentance that I can be saved. It’s so simple but we try to make it so complex. It’s like someone handing us a silver platter and telling us to open it and all the treasures inside are ours but then we stop and think about every other possible way we could open it. This is just something that has been on my heart and I am challenged by it every day...

"Nothing you have not given away will ever really be yours." –C.S.Lewis
‘..Let us show truth by our actions’- 1 John 3:18
 I love you all so dearly, thankyou for all your prayers, love and support :)


Saturday, March 12, 2011

3 week countdown


So now as time has gone on, I know some more concrete details about Mexico. =] These weeks are going by so fast my head is spinning and I am trying to get my feet on the ground let alone write another blog post. So this is a summary of what has happened:

My flight is booked to Mexico and back to England! I will leave for Mexico on the 4th of April and return to Hawaii on the 11th of May. I will then stay in Hawaii for a few days and then leave on the 16th of May, arriving in England on the 18th (in the morning). This means it is only 3 weeks until outreach! I have had amazing provision for finances, and I need around $500 more.

. Tsunami: first hand, fresh off the press news. Last year there was a Tsunami scare but nothing actually happened... so this time I was a bit sceptical about if anything would actually happen. The sirens were going off into the early hours of the morning whilst the building manager came knocking on the door advising us to move to higher ground. It was all very surreal and exciting but nerve-wracking. We stayed at some friend’s house and watched CNN news making much ado about nothing for a few hours. Eventually we packed up to go home as we thought it was just another scare and nothing would happen. When we woke up the next morning we saw video’s online showing downtown Kona and what had been affected. Apparently the Tsunami did hit. A few restaurants and a hotel had been flooded. A whole wall and pavement had been destroyed and smashed up, with pipes sticking out everywhere. The tide was super high on the beach and all of roads were covered in sand. When we went down in the evening, the store owners were still sweeping out water from the shops and clearing out the damaged stuff. Even though we have had some loss, it reminds me of how tiny it is compared to Japans trauma. Thousands have died and many more are missing. They had no time to prepare for this disaster and times like this make me realise how much we take safety for granted. Japan had the 3rd highest economy in the world. Money can only help their loss to an extent. What I am really praying for is that people will understand this and turn their hope to the greater power that will restore and bring prosperity to this land.

This is all that is on my mind recently(past few days). (: I appreciate all your prayers and I love you all

'Where ever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be' Matt 6:21