

Friday, June 24, 2011

Semana de mi Cumpleanos!

Aloha fellow humans :) How's it goin?

Birthday- This Thursday I became one year older and I turned 16 :)
Being 15 was awesome, I did such amazing things. I traveled to the ends of the Earth and I had no idea I would the year before. I've experienced so many cultures and been with so many wonderful people, my mind has been opened up and I have learnt so much. God has been so gracious to me and he has blessed me with unexpected experiences. My heart has been changed and I feel like such a different person than what I was this time last year. :) quick summary.

Romania- I have sent in my application and been accepted into the team for Romania.. I have been blessed with £200($300) towards my trip which will cover my flight, however I still need the remaining £350($550?) for the camp and living expenses. I appreciate all of your prayers and support in this area :) My deadline for my camp fee's are due in Friday 1st July.

2011/2012- I am so excited to see what will happen in these two years!!!! AHHH. I have desires, hopes and dreams of what I would like to happen, and If this year could amount to last year then that would just be amazing. I will wait expectant and ready, but not wish  the days away. It's kinda hard to explain my thoughts through a blog post...

:) Gracias Obrigado Merci Thankyou Cheers Mahalo

Have a wonderful day!!

          -This picture has been recycled from another blog-post, however it couldn't be more accurate.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Postcards from.. Romania?

Hello all you wonderful people:)

I have heard that my last blog post sounded as if I wasn't glad to be back in England which is very far from the truth! I have settled in now, and I am very content; catching up, restoring friendships and meeting new people. :) One week left of school, Joy!!

Last weekend I went down to Cornwall which is in the South of England, with Kings Kids (Wildfire). I had no idea what we would be doing down there, I honestly just went down to see some friends! However I had the most amazing time there, God met me in such a real, down-to-earth way and my spirit was re-newed:)

This summer I have felt like I should go to Romania on outreach. At first I was questioning visiting the Philippines on missions but I wasn't at peace about my choice. I heard about Romania and I got really excited, I think that this may be right! The trip is 23rd July- 10th August, starting off with a few days camp here at the Kings Lodge to prepare us for ministry. The over-all cost of the trip is around £600 and so far I have £0!! But I know that our God is faithful and He will bring in every last penny, for whatever He wants me to do this summer!

I ask that you could pray about this with me? Also, If you have a desire to contribute towards my travels in anyway then I would be so grateful!!

Have the loveliest day ever!