So last night I had a flashback and inspiration for what my next blog should be, here we go:
A few weeks ago one of my friends was preaching at church and it was amazing and so inspirational.
His topic was dreaming big and to respond to our passions and hopes. That got me really excited because it was just what I needed to hear. My dreams and visions were getting crowded out with doubts of finance and expectations. -Of course that is important but it shouldn't be dominant.
Back in the summer of 2008 I remember very distinctly a prayer I made. I had caught the travel bug of short term missions and I wanted to see more of the world. I prayed: "God, add some spice to this life you have given me"... Ohhh what a dangerous prayer to say! I remember after that I kept having a deep burning desire to go to America, my second mother land. (Or is it first?) .. Every other night I would go into my parents room and tell them that I think we should move to the USA. A few weeks later my dad took my family out to dinner and he told us that he had been hearing from God that we should move to America and there was an opportunity to go to Hawaii. Ok.. Hawaii.. That was not what I thought of when I prayed for 'America' but I was excited.
To cut a long story short, a year later we were on a plane to be gone for 10 months. Wow.
God answers prayers.
Dream big.
I never thought that I, a girl from Higham Lane school, would jet off to live in Hawaii?! Epic.
I also thought I'd share some more thoughts about my future dreams..
As I'm sure most of you know, I am a YWAM kid. YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is an organization where it disciples people to be equipped to tell people about God, locally and internationally. My parents have been working there for a looooong time and I have grown up in it. Living in YWAM is all I have ever known and it's inspired me to think outside the box :)
When I've finished high school (only 2 more years!!) I plan to do a DTS in either California, Hawaii or New Zealand. After that I would love to do the PhotogenX Track which is a 2 year course of travelling to 30+ nations and using photography as means to publicize the injustice that is happening around the world and in our communities. Sending good news to the broken-hearted is especially what God has put on my heart and I want to live out these passions :)
These are just current thoughts. And dreams.
I believe that they can happen because our God is greater
and no dream, passion or finance is to big for him.
-My second home. Airport terminals.

-Dream camera & lenses *____*
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