

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 < 2012.

So. I will refrain from doing the cliche run down of the year and how it has been fantastic, although it would be true.

.... This Christmas we did something a bit different. My family joined with the Salvation Army and we served Christmas dinner to some amazing people...{the elderly, the lonely, the homeless}. The conversations I had with some of the people there really blessed my heart and it was a brilliant way to spend my Christmas. I would definitely recommend it :)

During the rest of the holiday it has been pretty crazy; we have had tonnes of family and friends come over and it has been great to catch up.

Numero uno:
One of the main things that God has been teaching me (personally and through people) is that I don't need to strive for a relationship with him. Life happens but everything is in his hands so I don't need to worry. He is good and his love is complete. I need to stop doing things in my own strength because those plans would ultimately fail. The freedom that comes from surrender is amazing...

Numero dos :
Us humans, as God's children, should come before God as royalty, since that is what we are. We should come and ask for things with authority because we have been granted that privilege through Jesus. I have decided to stop asking for things, as if I'm a beggar. Because I'm not. We're not. God offers us these good things and its up to us to speak these blessings into our lives :)

            Basically, that is the run down, and a cheeky 2012 encouragement!
                                        Keep pressing into God, guys.. He loves us so much!!!!

..... And now as the new year starts, I am trying to get back into routine which everyone knows is difficult after the late nights and mornings. :) In 3 weeks I am heading off to California with my dad and then not soon after I get back, I'm going to India with my dad and brother. Life is crazy and I love it. (:

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