

Friday, September 4, 2015


Hey friends!

These past few weeks have been tres busy but its been great! I finished work and then soon after my best friend Hannah from New Zealand came to visit which which was so amazing! We went to Bristol to see some friends, came back home and did lots of nothing and then went to Ireland & N. Ireland (Dublin & Belfast) for a few days, it was beautiful! 

Currently I'm very exhausted but energised knowing that my plans for the next few months are exactly what I'm meant to be doing. This past year being home has been challenging for a number of reasons- a mentally and emotionally draining but very rewarding job, having a lot of my friends leave to start on adventures of their own, learning how to fundraise and mentally preparing myself that I'm going to live overseas for at least a year of my life, etc. However I've seen the goodness of the Lord over every detail of every challenge, discomfort, pain, growth and change. I've learned the power of choice, love and forgiveness. I've personally seen the redemption and change that having a relationship with Jesus brings. I'm able to wake up in the morning and not hate myself, I know that I am loved, that I am valued and that I am able to influence people through my actions and words which is a huge responsibility that I want to continue to honour the Lord in. There is so much more that I can learn and I know this is just the beginning. 

I only have a few days left in England until I depart on my adventure to the west coast of the US of A. I am so excited and ready to go and study and learn. I've worked my butt off, and I've been given nearly $4000 towards this trip, which makes me want to cry because I don't deserve that kindness and grace. So thank you to everyone who has believed in me and chose to selflessly give towards my trip. I still need about £650 to pay off the whole school in full ($1000) which is amazing as that is 9 months paid for! If you'd like to support me in my walk through the Bible then please don't hesitate to talk to me :) I mean, I need to find out why a young goat can't be boiled in it's mothers milk?! 

All my love, Elisa <3

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