

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

a little love

----------- Current events ----------

SBS is hard. People call it the School of Biblical Studies but it should be more accurately quoted as the School of Biblical Sobbing 

However it's the moments of light and truth in the midst of the relentless work that keeps me going. Just when I am about to give up because I still have 5 more charts to fit in in an evening, something stirs in me and reminds me why I'm here (sometimes, lets be real).

We have been studying Acts and Luke and it's the best. I've come to the conclusion that all leadership and discipleship courses should come based off of Acts and the gospels. They lived and loved so simply and that's what produced great leaders and also great disciples. They feared God and served one another. They provided for one another's needs when ever they could. They also just hung out and ate meals together (honestly my fave bit). They prayed together, encouraged each other and made sure to keep in contact with all people who they have influenced or help to grow. They were faithful to preach the story of Jesus and through that they saw signs and wonders, not the other way around. They were told to love ALL people, ALL genders, ALL races. 

It's been so cool to read Matthew, Luke and Acts with knowledge of the historical background. Knowing why the emphasis on the resurrection and the Kingdom of God is so necessary (things I had never thought about before). 

In Matthew the biggest thing that hit me was how Jesus would take time away from the crowds to pray, or because he was grieving, and yet when the people came to him he still was compassionate. and my response as an introvert is noooooo ! lol but for real I'm so impressed and amazed at such gentle love. One of the biggest things that I have learned is that no matter the sadness or pain or anxiety or distractions I am facing, there is always room to love a little. Whether it's asking someone how they are, buying a coffee for someone, cleaning up more than I should, etc. Going the extra mile. Especially when I am DONEEE after working all day. It's just one little verse in Matthew 14:13-14 
'When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this the crowds followed him on food from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.'

Jesus' actions are the physical reality of what God would do, and so reading that I realised I have no more excuses ! The reality and evidence of if a person loves God or not is their actions. A heart full of love and understanding of the grace of God will naturally produce actions of love. Through that revelation that I had in Matthew I realised how I have so much to grow in in that department. Definitely a struggle ! But that's ok, God knows humans are flawed and in need of grace which is why the sacrifice of Jesus is so beautiful ! There is no other religion or belief in the world where God himself came down and sacrificed himself for human kind ! Only perfection and a self-sacrifice of free will can overcome the intensity of darkness in the world. Instead of man having to strive and work for God's approval (as so many believe) it's not true ! God did everything! All he asks is for us to come to him, and let him heal us and make us whole. 

Jesus grieved, David had deep depression and anxiety, Jeremiah wished he had never been born, Abraham and Zechariah both had great doubts and unbelief about the promises they'd received.  Realising the people in the Bible were just normal humans gives me much relief. In life there are struggles. But the most important thing isn't to become guilty and anxious about not reading the Bible enough or not attending church or not praying specifically for a certain amount of time. What is important is loving God and loving and serving people. It really is just in the little things and the little acts of service that can make a person's day. (This being said I am a firm believer in getting help for yourself if you are really struggling with tasks and general activities. Love your neighbour as YOURSELF. Love yo' self, and don't be afraid to look after yourself.) Friends had to carry a paralysed man to Jesus because he was unable to carry himself. Sometimes we need to allow ourselves to be carried by others to the feet of Jesus to become whole again. Sometimes we need to carry others. 


You know, Lord, How I serve You
With great emotional fervor
in the limelight
you know how eagerly I speak for you 
At the Women's club
You know how I effervesce when I promote
A fellowship group
You know my genuine enthusiasm 
At a Bible study

But how would I react, I wonder,
If you pointed to a basin of water
and asked me to wash the calloused feet
of a bent and wrinkled old woman
day after day
month after month
in a room where nobody saw
and nobody knew

- Ruth Harms Calkin 

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